Poll Tutorial reading the database but not storing the result of vote
Hi there, I'm trying to work with the following tutorial http://www.awcore.com/dev/2/2/jquery-dynamic-poll-with-animated-colors_en I got the database set up and it's displaying on my page but when I click to...[see more]
0 answer
January 9, 2015
Latest Activity: January 9, 2015
pagination not working with where clause
table name - news I create pagination code here I am passing city and state from Navigation bar. And on basis of that i Tried to show Row...[see more]
0 answer
December 20, 2014
Latest Activity: December 20, 2014
Modified convenient pagination function
My problem was, I had 10,000+ pages of result displayed. When I see pagination buttons, I can jump only two pages at the most. In this case, how to...[see more]
0 answer
November 23, 2014
Latest Activity: November 23, 2014
Application Number to be reset 1 every starting of new year how plz help me out in PHP, MYSQL
<?php /***************************************************************** Author - Nilesh Madhukar Ghadi Compiled on - 29-06-2014 Desigination- Computer Programmer Office - Office of the Special COurt, Bombay ******************************************************************/ session_start(); // Starting sesssion // Connecting...[see more]
0 answer
July 18, 2014
Latest Activity: July 18, 2014
How to convert multi user self hosted wordpress site into Adsense Host API site
After getting approved for adsense two years back and by following the Terms and Conditions religiously I launched my own self hosted wordpress site in PHP environment with top level...[see more]
2 answers
May 8, 2014
Latest Activity: June 22, 2015
problem with pagination in searching php and mysql??
I am beginning in php and mysql and have a problem with paging when when dealing with a form. when display result, it is just working from the first page...[see more]
0 answer
April 27, 2013
Latest Activity: April 27, 2013
Please provide an Ajax Autocomplete and Auto suggest
I have an urgent requirement for a Ajax Autocomplete and Autosuggest.I tried a lot with other website code.I don't feel it as good.So please help me. ...[see more]
0 answer
April 11, 2013
Latest Activity: April 11, 2013
problem with modern tiny ajax comment system when add new comment
hi, I have a problem with modern tiny ajax comment system when trying to add a new comment when I click send, it stuck. The comment don't go to the...[see more]
2 answers
February 14, 2013
Latest Activity: August 23, 2021
Awsomephp Database installation
Hi i am trying to set up a website using a script from Awsomephp, it says to upload the includes/database.php (upload includes/database.sql to the database)there are 4 files database-database1.sql-database2.sql-pagination i...[see more]
0 answer
January 15, 2013
Latest Activity: January 15, 2013
Displaying Pagination in reverse order
I am using pagination from create awsemone pagination it was working fine in functionality but pagination is dispalying as last ,next,2,1 page 1of 2 like this How to resolve this...[see more]
0 answer
August 8, 2012
Latest Activity: August 8, 2012
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