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Help with login/register system and validation
I am trying to create a create a login system but it odes not work or validate. Here is my code:

if(isset($_POST['doRegister']) == 'Register') { 

$required = array('full_name','user_email','pwd','user_name');
	$missing = array();

	foreach($_POST as $key => $value) {
		$data[$key] = filter($value);

		if (empty($value) && in_array($key, $required)) {

			array_push($missing, $key);


if (!empty($missing)) {
	if($_POST['user_email'] !='') {
		if (!isEmail($_POST['usr_email'])) {
			array_push($missing, 'email_invalid');

if (!empty($missing)) {

		if(in_array('full_name', $missing)) {
	$full_name = 'Please provide your full name';


if (!empty($missing)) {

		if(in_array('user_email', $missing)  || in_array('email_invalid', $missing)) {
	$user_email = 'Please provide your valid email address';


if (!empty($missing)) {

		if(in_array('duplicate', $missing)) {
	$user_email = 'Email address already registered';


if (!empty($missing)) {

		if(in_array('user_name', $missing)) {
	$user_name = 'Please create a password';


if (!empty($missing)) {

		if(in_array('pwd', $missing)) {
	$pwd = 'Please create a password';

} else {
	$sql = "INSERT into `users` (`full_name`,`user_email`,`pwd`,``user_name`)
		    VALUES ('$data[full_name]','$usr_email','$sha1pass','$user_name')";
			$success ='<p>Thank you.<br />You have succesfully registered.</p>';

<title>PHP Login :: Free Registration/Signup Form</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">


     <?php if (isset($success)) { echo $success; } else { ?>
    <form action="" method="post" name="regform" id="regform">
      <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
	 <?php if (isset($full_name)) { ?>
	<th> </th>
	<td class="warn"><?php echo $full_name; ?></td>          
	<?php } ?>
          <th scope="row"><label for="full_name">Full name</label></th>
          <td><input type="text" name="full_name2" id="full_name"></td>
        <?php if (isset($user_name)) { ?>
	<th> </th>
	<td class="warn"><?php echo $user_name; ?></td>          
	<?php } ?>
          <th scope="row"><label for="user_name">User Name:</label></th>
          <td> <input type="text" name="user_name2" id="user_name"></td>
        <?php if (isset($user_email)) { ?>
	<th> </th>
	<td class="warn"><?php echo $user_email; ?></td>          
	<?php } ?>
          <th scope="row"><label for="user_email">User Email:</label></th>
          <td> <input type="text" name="user_email" id="user_email"></td>
        <?php if (isset($pwd)) { ?>
	<th> </th>
	<td class="warn"><?php echo $pwd; ?></td>          
	<?php } ?>
          <th scope="row"><label for="pwd">Password</label></th>
          <td><input type="text" name="pwd3" id="pwd"></td>
          <th scope="row"> </th>
          <td><input type="submit" name="button" id="button" value="Submit"></td>
      <?php } ?>

My database structure is:
  `full_name` tinytext COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  `user_name` varchar(200) COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `user_email` varchar(220) COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `pwd` varchar(220) COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `user_email` (`user_email`),
  FULLTEXT KEY `idx_search` (`full_name`,`user_email`,`user_name`)
Started: September 21, 2011 Latest Activity: September 21, 2011 php mysql validation
2 Answers
there is some errors in the code please try this
if($_POST) { 
    $required = array(\'full_name\',\'user_email\',\'pwd\',\'user_name\');
    $missing = $data =  array();
    foreach($_POST as $key => $value) {
        $data[$key] = filter($value);
        if (empty($value) && in_array($key, $required)) {
            array_push($missing, $key);
if (!empty($missing)) {    
    if($_POST[\'user_email\'] !=\'\') {
        if (!isEmail($_POST[\'usr_email\'])) {
            array_push($missing, \'email_invalid\');

    if(in_array(\'full_name\', $missing)) {
        $full_name = \'Please provide your full name\';

    if(in_array(\'user_email\', $missing)  || in_array(\'email_invalid\', $missing)) {
        $user_email = \'Please provide your valid email address\';

    if(in_array(\'duplicate\', $missing)) {
        $user_email = \'Email address already registered\';

    if(in_array(\'user_name\', $missing)) {
        $user_name = \'Please create a password\';

    if(in_array(\'pwd\', $missing)) {
        $pwd = \'Please create a password\';

}else {
mysql_query(\"INSERT into `users` (`full_name`,`user_email`,`pwd`,``user_name`)
            VALUES (\'$data[full_name]\',\'$data[user_email]\',\'$data[pwd]\',\'$data[user_name]\')\");
            $success =\'<p>Thank you.<br />You have succesfully registered.</p>\';

<title>PHP Login :: Free Registration/Signup Form</title>
<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\">

<link href=\"styles.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\">


     <?php if (isset($success)) { echo $success; } else { ?>
    <form action=\"\" method=\"post\" name=\"regform\" id=\"regform\">
      <table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">
     <?php if (isset($full_name)) { ?>
    <th> </th>
    <td class=\"warn\"><?php echo $full_name; ?></td>          
    <?php } ?>
          <th scope=\"row\"><label for=\"full_name\">Full name</label></th>
          <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"full_name\" id=\"full_name\"></td>
        <?php if (isset($user_name)) { ?>
    <th> </th>
    <td class=\"warn\"><?php echo $user_name; ?></td>          
    <?php } ?>
          <th scope=\"row\"><label for=\"user_name\">User Name:</label></th>
          <td> <input type=\"text\" name=\"user_name\" id=\"user_name\"></td>
        <?php if (isset($user_email)) { ?>
    <th> </th>
    <td class=\"warn\"><?php echo $user_email; ?></td>          
    <?php } ?>
          <th scope=\"row\"><label for=\"user_email\">User Email:</label></th>
          <td> <input type=\"text\" name=\"user_email\" id=\"user_email\"></td>
        <?php if (isset($pwd)) { ?>
    <th> </th>
    <td class=\"warn\"><?php echo $pwd; ?></td>          
    <?php } ?>
          <th scope=\"row\"><label for=\"pwd\">Password</label></th>
          <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"pwd\" id=\"pwd\"></td>
          <th scope=\"row\"> </th>
          <td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"button\" id=\"button\" value=\"Submit\"></td>
      <?php } ?>


Posted: MacOS
In: September 21, 2011

This code works and validated fields but does not add the details to the database also how could I confirm if the passwords are the same?
September 21, 2011

lol, i'm sorry there is no mysql_query to execute it
September 21, 2011

what about this:Php User Clas

Posted: greentree
In: September 21, 2011

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