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[Edit] Simple HTML bar chart

Simple HTML/PHP bar chart

Save 11,165 chart
$total_width = 600;
// base color
$base_color = 'silver';
// add an array per field to show
$graphs = array(
array('label'=>'Whatever', 'color'=>'red', 'amount'=>'30'),
array('label'=>'More Here', 'color'=>'green', 'amount'=>'36'),
array('label'=>'Just An Example', 'color'=>'blue', 'amount'=>'82'),
array('label'=>'Even More', 'color'=>'orange', 'amount'=>'4'),
for($x = 0; $x < count($graphs); $x++)
    echo '<table width="'.$total_width.'">
            <td colspan="2">
            <td width="'.$graphs[$x]['amount'].'%" bgcolor="'.$graphs[$x]['color'].'">
            <td width="'.(100-$graphs[$x]['amount']).'%" bgcolor="'.$base_color.'">