<?php /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: Bit Repository URL: http://www.bitrepository.com/web-programming/php/download-image.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class GetImage { var $source; var $save_to; var $set_extension; var $quality; function download($method = 'curl') // default method: cURL { $info = @GetImageSize($this->source); $mime = $info['mime']; if(!$mime) exit('Could not obtain mime-type information. Make sure that the remote file is actually a valid image.'); // What sort of image? $type = substr(strrchr($mime, '/'), 1); switch ($type) { case 'jpeg': $image_create_func = 'ImageCreateFromJPEG'; $image_save_func = 'ImageJPEG'; $new_image_ext = 'jpg'; // Best Quality: 100 $quality = isSet($this->quality) ? $this->quality : 100; break; case 'png': $image_create_func = 'ImageCreateFromPNG'; $image_save_func = 'ImagePNG'; $new_image_ext = 'png'; // Compression Level: from 0 (no compression) to 9 $quality = isSet($this->quality) ? $this->quality : 0; break; case 'bmp': $image_create_func = 'ImageCreateFromBMP'; $image_save_func = 'ImageBMP'; $new_image_ext = 'bmp'; break; case 'gif': $image_create_func = 'ImageCreateFromGIF'; $image_save_func = 'ImageGIF'; $new_image_ext = 'gif'; break; case 'vnd.wap.wbmp': $image_create_func = 'ImageCreateFromWBMP'; $image_save_func = 'ImageWBMP'; $new_image_ext = 'bmp'; break; case 'xbm': $image_create_func = 'ImageCreateFromXBM'; $image_save_func = 'ImageXBM'; $new_image_ext = 'xbm'; break; default: $image_create_func = 'ImageCreateFromJPEG'; $image_save_func = 'ImageJPEG'; $new_image_ext = 'jpg'; } if(isSet($this->set_extension)) { $ext = strrchr($this->source, "."); $strlen = strlen($ext); $new_name = basename(substr($this->source, 0, -$strlen)).'.'.$new_image_ext; } else { $new_name = basename($this->source); } $save_to = $this->save_to.$new_name; if($method == 'curl') { $save_image = $this->LoadImageCURL($save_to); } elseif($method == 'gd') { $img = $image_create_func($this->source); if(isSet($quality)) { $save_image = $image_save_func($img, $save_to, $quality); } else { $save_image = $image_save_func($img, $save_to); } } return $save_image; } function LoadImageCURL($save_to) { $ch = curl_init($this->source); $fp = fopen($save_to, "wb"); // set URL and other appropriate options $options = array(CURLOPT_FILE => $fp, CURLOPT_HEADER => 0, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => 1, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 60); // 1 minute timeout (should be enough) curl_setopt_array($ch, $options); $save = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); fclose($fp); return $save; } } ?>